About Lewis Pass rd
The imagery for this artwork was collected from a trip over Lewis Pass just after the Kaikora earthquake. A road less travelled made for a good subject. A forgotten space within the New Zealand landscape
Other info about Lewis Pass rd
This artwork was used by Thread Design with permission of the artist to create a beautiful range of high quality products. Some of which are still for sale if you follow this link https://www.threaddesign.co.nz/products/winter-trees-velvet-lumbar-cushion?_pos=1&_sid=26f3d8284&_ss=r
Works in this series also include Lewis Pass Hill
Lewis Pass Rd. Oil on Canvas. 130x170cm.
About Lewis Pass rd
The imagery for this artwork was collected from a trip over Lewis Pass just after the Kaikora earthquake. A road less travelled made for a good subject. A forgotten space within the New Zealand landscape
Other info about Lewis Pass rd
This artwork was used by Thread Design with permission of the artist to create a beautiful range of high quality products. Some of which are still for sale if you follow this link https://www.threaddesign.co.nz/products/winter-trees-velvet-lumbar-cushion?_pos=1&_sid=26f3d8284&_ss=r
Works in this series also include Lewis Pass Hill