Halcyon Days Oil Painting on Canvas.
This is part of a series Log rollers, prints of log rollers are available as a woodblock print. Other works of similar nature are Logrollers. Perhaps part of the fascination with log rollers and water can be attributed to the fact that Collis used to play by the river as a teenager whilst at Boarding school, and also in young adult hood purchased shared land on Rangihau rd next to the Waiwawa river Coroglen
Halcyon Days Oil Painting on Canvas 140x170cm
NZ$ 8,000.00
If you are interested in this original artwork, please contact Angus here.
Halcyon Days Oil Painting on Canvas.
This is part of a series Log rollers, prints of log rollers are available as a woodblock print. Other works of similar nature are Logrollers. Perhaps part of the fascination with log rollers and water can be attributed to the fact that Collis used to play by the river as a teenager whilst at Boarding school, and also in young adult hood purchased shared land on Rangihau rd next to the Waiwawa river Coroglen